
A sneaky peek to my exciting life!

I got challenged in social media to share photos about my everyday life and as a crafty girl who unfortunately owns none of the modern day gadgets I drew some instead.

Yes. I do sign writing as well.

A joyous surprise for the cleaner, first thing in the morning!

My main protein source. Life as a struggling artist, eh.

Ed totally knows when I need some motivational chocolate. Oh yes and he's never actually that still in the kitchen.

That's where my boyfriend lives in. Location changes.


Greek mythology creeps into everything!

I drew a birthday card for a friend and experimented with pens this time! To be fair I wouldn't have strayed away from my comfort zone if I had had my quill and ink at hand but I'm travelling at the moment and only had some pens with me. It was good though, I quite enjoyed them for change and was positively surprised with the outcome. The idea was to make an angel for good luck but I can't help thinking it looks a bit more like a sleepy harpy. I'll never be a good Christian.



Apologies for not updating the blog for ages! I had some right adventures in the last eight months but now since my life has calmed down a bit I thought I'd share some character designs I've done. These were for a film project but unfortunately I had to pull out for health reasons (Can anyone hear the smallest violin in the world playing?). I'll add a few more when I get the scanner sorted out!