
Steer that reindeer!

My friend asked me to design a Christmas card for her and her boyfriend. She's becoming a reoccuring feature in this blog since the cat lady in one of my earliest posts is her portrait too!

A bit of romance in the air!

For ages I wanted to draw a sister picture for Kali and here's Venus (or Afrodite, whether you prefer Greek mythology to Roman). This seems to be turning into a series!


Portrait of an artist as a young man

Here's my friend Oliver Tomes who's a brilliant musician by the way, worth having a listen:


Also on Facebook:


Mr. Badger & Lady Bird

These guys are available as limited edition prints.


This little lady is my friend Keiko, she's part of a collage I'm working on.


Oldies goldies

It is time to take a trip on memory lane and share THE FIRST EVER COMIC I DREW:

I did it on this graphic storytelling class in art college around 2009. Believe it or not, it is based on true events - extremely loosely! I had always wanted to draw comics but lacked the confidence to try. With our tutor's assistance and with the valuable advice she gave us I was rocking it so I did a little comic zine, Kaljaa Freddien Kanssa (Beer With Freddie), as a school project in 2010. Here's some samples: The first one with the grim reaper is a kind of a prologue, and the ones following are the first story in whole.

Translation for the English readers:
- Oh hi Freddie, fancy a pint?
- Yeah I might do..!

 - - -

- I'm glad you didn't die after all


Going Folky!

I made this comic strip in autumn 2010, the girl is singing an old, I dare to say iconic, Finnish song called Juokse Sina Humma - in the original song the singer is a boy though. I got a lot of help for the English translation from my friend Milena, thank you ever so much!